Thursday, April 16, 2009

Final Project Idea

The most impression remarks from the guest speaker last week is that "Whatever we do now is a project". That's so true!We design training project in corporation environment, we develop an instructional project for school class teaching, and we do assignments in the unit of project in whatever form: PowerPoint, Flash, Website, etc. Everything is project.

Now, it's the time to figure out the idea of my final project for ITEC 830.
I designed several multimedia projects that aim to offer advice to Chinese international students who will come to or just arrive in San Francisco how to adjust themselves to and enjoy the life in San Francisco. This semester in Flash class, I've been working on a project to give instructions on how to do house renting in San Francisco. Why not combine all the stuff onto a website? I'm a ITECian, but I haven't developed my personal website so far. I always feel shameful about that...It's the time. I will develop a portfolio style website to offer advice on how to kick off life in San Francisco and how to enjoy the wonderful life. Readers will read text and images, listen to audios, watch videos and play flash game. Students can also interact with me by emails to give feed back about the projects and ask questions. All the projects are based on my personal experiences.
This website is what I always want to do. It will be a lot of work~


  1. Excellent idea for your final project. I think when we use our personal experience, the true meaningful learning occurs.

  2. I'm crazily busy with final projects and presentation and find it's impossible to make a portfolio website in such short time. I think I will talk about my page on MySFSU (ITEC network of Ning) in the manner of Web 2.0. I see that a very nice and typical Web 2.0 tool.
