Thursday, February 19, 2009

Emerging Tech in E-Learning

The chapter of reading is really well-organized-I like that! I can pause and pick up reading as I like. The following are some points through the reading I echoed with personal experiences.

1. The key phrase for Web 2.0 is social networking. Connecting with peer students, teachers, ideas, friends, colleagues... Create! Communicate! Collaborate!
2. Educational gaming has facilitated education and will continue that in a long way. Instructors can take full advantage of existing online educational games like the flash games from The Nobel Foundation to make their course more powerful and fun, without having to know how to create those games!
3. New understanding about Extended learning: When I first heard of extended learning, I took it for granted that it refers to education after regular school or after regular life-period of receiving full-day education. After reading this article, I need to redefine "extended learning". Actually, the learning mode I am using now in ITEC is an example of extended learning-using both e-learning (iLearn, HyFlex, et al) and classroom seminar.
4.P2P share files directly between computer and computer without going through a server. That is really cool. This technology enables students to talk synchronously on the same platform about that project.

Anyway, "new technologies will not replace traditional learning but complement it". Web 2.0 also faces challenges both in intangible part (intellectual property rights and digital right management) and tangible part (technology infrastruture).


  1. I must echo your last paragraph. Yes! These new technologies won't replace existing technologies, they will compliment them. The printing press didn't replace face-to-face instruction; the calculator didn't cripple engineers (it catapulted them). These new technologies increase the avenues for communication and connectedness--existing forms of education will be augmented and expanded by them, not diminished.

    That's what I see. As we accumulate more specialized tools, we can build more refined structures. In this case, the tools are about communication, while the structures are about the application of and building upon information and knowledge.

  2. e-learning has its benefits because it lets you complete assignments on your own schedule, but within the required time limits. Working full time can make it difficult to commit to classroom activity and e-learning allows you to work from any computer. My experiences with e-learning is that it requires a lot of self-discipline and the workload is a lot more. I agree with the quote that "new technologies will not replace traditional learning but complement it." Everyone learns differently so it is important to use a variety of tools and approaches.
