Thursday, February 26, 2009

Publish, Not Punish

Last Thursday in class, we discussed about the privacy and openness of blog, SocialText collaborative writing as well as the educational part of Web 2.0 tools like Wiki and Twitter.

I should say that this class changed my conservative idea about blogging. I used to regard it as a grey area where people who are so fond of exposing themselves and those who are overcurious about others' privacy party online... Now I'm enjoying sharing my life, thoughts and emotions with my friends and class peers.
I check my blogs almost everyday and enjoy reading comments on my entries. I also comment on peers' blogs. That's how I resume friendship with old classmates who I haven't got in touch for about 10 years. That's how I got great thoughts and feedback from my class peers. That's how I found collaborative writing fun and cool (Create~Communicate~Collaborate~).

Choosing blogging, Wiking, Twittering, etc. is choosing to publish your life, ideas, pictures and videos... You have the full right to choose what you'd like to share to the world. And the rest of the world have almost the full right to comment on and edit those. As long as you obey the Intellectual Property right and interquette, there's no punishment. That's how Web 2.0 is loved and also criticized, I guess:)

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