Thursday, February 5, 2009

This Is Me

Hi everyone! 你们好!

Excited to be back in a new semester with both familiar and new faces! Yeah~ I was so impressed by the inspiring atmosphere in this class. And it's the one and only first class in which I don't need to wait for my turn to make a brief self-introduction, but instead to blog it-that's so web 2.0-So cool!

You can tell from my greeting that I'm an international Chinese student from China and this is my second semester in ITEC. Just call me Tracy. If you're interested in Chinese as much as in Korean. I can tell you how to pronounce my legal Chinese name and even how to write it haha.

I have no prior ID experience and was not into blogging or web 2.0 on-line community before I came to America last January. I was a more paper-pen person :p and prefer to take journal in a cute dairy notebook and send parents and friends cards and letters with the "nice smell of ink" (Blush...)

Anyway, now I have both PC and Mac for study, work and entertainment... Feeling lost without them... (Blush again) I learned to use Ps, Dw, iMovie, GarageBand, Audacity, and explore Office to design project and have fun. I also took a instructional video class that make me an "actress, director and editor". I wanna be an instructional designer and trainer after graduation and hopefully can stay in the city which I've fell in love. The theories I've acquired help me in both practical classes like ITEC 715 and also my work. Speaking of my work, I've been doing an on-campus job as an Adaptive Technology Software Trainer in DPRC (Disability Program and Resource Center) of SFSU. I trained students to use Dragon NaturallySpeaking (an interesting voice recognition software) and design curriculum for the program. So I can both earn some money and apply what I've learn into practice (That's great~)

It's DPRC's Computer Training webpage on iLearn. The lessons in word file in the Tutorial session of Dragon are part of my work. I need to add you as a student so that you can download the files. If any of use would like to try on the software, feel free to email me at I'm more than happy to work with you on it. I work every weekday. (I'm a serious guy~)

So nice to meet you guys in both virtual and real world~ Cheers~

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